Home > Gaia-X Hub Germany > Domains > Agriculture

Trustworthy Data Exchange for technological Progress in Agriculture
The wide range in size among the players in the ecosystem – multinational corporations, SMEs, one-man operations, and family businesses – underline the need to create confidence between companies and farmers. Besides, there are other challenges: guaranteeing access to the digital internal market, ensuring data interoperability and portability, and considering the interests of the entire value chain. As an open, transparent, and interoperable ecosystem, Gaia-X provides a suitable framework for these challenges and will significantly accelerate the digitalization and technological progress in the agricultural sector through sovereign data services.
Prof. Dr. Engel Arkenau – German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Stiene – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)
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