Domain Smart City / Smart Region

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Smart Cities and Smart Regions have become established concepts for urban and regional development on an international scale. In its ‘Smart City Charter’, the German Federal Government highlights data and data infrastructures as crucial factors for the digital transformation of cities and communities.

Digital Infrastructures and Services for Cities and Municipalities

Data platforms and cloud solutions form the technological basis for intelligent interconnected municipalities. Overall, digitalization ensures advantages in global competition, enhances the local quality of life, and helps to address social issues, as well as economic and ecological challenges. For this purpose, cities, municipalities, and counties develop decentralized digital infrastructures and services. A community may implement several data infrastructures, e.g., in the domains mobility, health, Public Sector, Energy and Education.

The domain Smart City / Smart Region aims to improve these infrastructures by providing data platforms for cities, municipalities, and counties. This ensures a secure, compliant, and standardized exchange of data from various sources and its common utilization by all administrations. Gaia-X plays a vital role by providing an easy and secure access to a multifunctional and GDPR-compliant cloud-environment. It will deliver the necessary technologies to connect regional and functionally specialized data centres, thereby supporting a task-specific scaling of smart city applications.


Matthias Brucke – embeteco GmbH & Co. KG
Dr.-Ing. Alanus von Radecki – Daten-Kompetenzzentrum Städte und Regionen (DKSR)
Sascha Tegtmeyer – Landesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung

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